Lego Serious Play: Low fidelity and high impact methodology

When you would see the situation from someone’s perspective, you would appreciate their actions and gain a completely new insight about it. It will not only unlock an ability to empathize but you would then see the cause and effect phenomenon very clearly. If that happens you would get a team where every member respects other members’ views and poses an ability to reason with other members’ actions. That would surely be a dream team for any organization.
The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology helps you do exactly that. What sets it apart from all other methodologies – Near zero learning curve, limited set of LEGO bricks, huge opportunity to imagine through metaphors, and visual representation of a thought in 3D view. In no time with little bit of conditioning, participants get used to playing with LEGO and magic starts happening. Every participant gets to see the thought of the presenting participant in 3D form. LEGO SERIOUS PLAY enables one’s thought to be seen, touched and heard, which means you can comprehend it much better than you would otherwise.
When all participants represent their thoughts you can appreciate all these thoughts together without one overpowering the other. You get to see a birds’ eye view of collective thought. In some other blog, we will see how to make sense of these models. For now, lets concentrate on model building and sensing.
LEGO SERIOUS PLAY takes out the fight from meetings where only big voices are heard otherwise. This democratizes the views of the participants and you get to see the same situation from various different perspectives. As you have profound understanding of the situation, you can now tackle the situation in a much better way.
No wonder that LEGO SERIOUS PLAY is becoming favorite method across globe as it is easy to get started with and has tremendous impact on actions you take thereon.